Friday, March 28, 2008

Dads prefer cuddles to beer (no really... really!)

Doubling the amount of cuddles you give or receive from dad will improve your relationship with him for life!

And when asked if he would prefer chocolate, a shopping spree or a drink at the pub to feel reassured 75 per cent of men said they would really much prefer a cuddle!!

Research shows that men, traditionally slow to cuddle, suffer from a lack of physical affection. A national cuddle campaign, from Wilkinet the baby carrier specialists, aims to double the amount of time we spend cuddling our friends and family. Also, did you know that, doubling the amount of time you cuddle your new born baby halves the amount of time they will cry.

The Wilkinet Survey shows that people really do love being cuddled, even as adults, and also love to give cuddles. It backs up research, from the Department of Paediatrics at the Montreal children’s hospital, which shows that in studies, babies who were cuddled for five hours a day (twice the time of an average of two and a half hours a day) the amount of time the baby cried was more than fifty per cent less than the average baby. The National Academy of Sciences which looked at the level of hormones in the body following a good cuddle says both Oxytocin and Arginine Vasopressin, which play a role in response to stress and social bonding, rise after both adults and children are cuddled.

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