Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Swaddling wraps

With baby number three arriving in the next week (or so), Helen and I have been making final preparations. She washed our old Wilkinets... given my job we could well have got one of the new baby carriers... but there's something about your first that really has an emotional bond. I was reading through some of the parents comments recently and as one said:

"I won't be having any more children and have passed on virtually all the baby things I accumulated. I haven't passed on the baby carrier - I got so much pleasure out of carrying a child around in it that I'm hoping one day my children will present me a grandchild I can carry in it!" (and because they last so long she probably will be able to).

Anyway... I digress back to preparations. We tried swaddling timothy and found he was a much calmer than Lucy (our first) at bedtime - that might just be his character (he's very laid back) - but I also believe that swaddling made a difference.

The blankets we used for Timothy were too small really - so Helen got some nice flannelet sheets and I put my sewing skills to the test and hemmed them. Having a mum who sewed for years (Sally Wilkins that is) I know the basics. It was a bit wobbly - but I felt very proud of myself and felt like I'd made a contribution (I realise it's small compared to what Helen is doing right now... but it still helped :)

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