Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Twice sick

What makes kids so resilient? There's a poem I read - and can't remember any of it but the basic just of it is how your parents mess you up but then they were messed up in turn. I'm often surprised at how well our kids are turning out in spite of me.

That thought came from a double sick episode last night from Lucy (3 1/2 y.o). I was just about to tuck her into bed when suddenly there was a gag, followed by a cough and then a lot of sick. Surprisingly (??!) the bit of tissue I grabbed didn't look like catching it all so I grabbed her cup of water and held for her to finish in (hope breakfast was finished before reading this).

What surprised me (and got me onto the train of thought) was the way she was so sweet about the whole experience. Instead of the expected wails and sobs it was just 'oh dear, Dave (her teddy bear) is all covered in sick, we better clean him up)... didn't notice her sheet, pyjamas, duvet, pillow (and me!) was in the same situation, just got up and got on with it.

She slept in later (don't worry Timothy was still awake at his usual time of 5:45 to ensure the delights of Bear's big blue house were enjoyed by him and me)... and when she came down stairs she had more sick on her shoulder. She'd been sick in the night and just rolled over because she was still tired (and yes I did feel irresponsible for not having been in tune and instantly at her bedside the moment it happened)! Advantages of working from home meant Helen and I could clean her up, sort Timothy out, and I only ended up being 15 minutes late for work.

So that brought me onto wondering about her resilience. I know I've picked stuff up off my parents - and she already says and does things I see in Helen and I. It's something that happens to all of us. The old 'nature/nurture' debate is an interesting one... if she's learnt (rather than was born with) her laid back attitude to illness it's certainly not from me... I am a bit of a moaner when unwell (and she's very happy to tootle over with her doctor bag to stick a bandage on my tummy).

Anyway, that's all - must get back to doing the Wilkinet baby carrier tasks for the day - happy in the knowledge that my kids are ok (in spite of me).

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